Datas on your account
You can access to your account by clicking on your name on the top right corner of the screen. The information will appear on the left side of your screen.
Profile picture
To be more identifiable by your patients, we call you to add a profile picture. It can be added by clicking on "Edit" and selecting a picture from your computer files.
Once your account is created, you can modify all the information except email.
The IBAN you enter appears below your information.
This IBAN is the one on which you will receive the fees of your consultations on
In case you want to change account, you can modify it by clicking on "Edit".
To be validated, your profile must compute an I.D. and a professional card, both valid. To add or modify a document, click on "Edit". A green notch will confirm the document has been taken into account.
The addition of your signature is optional but will permit to sign electronically the documents you create for your patients. Find in the dedicated article, the procedure to add your signature.
Direct Insurance payment
You have the possibility to propose direct insurance payment or to complete free consultations. To this end, go to the section "Direct Insurance payment" and indicate "Yes".
As part of those practices, there is no medical fee at the end of the consultation. To insure the payment of the Consulib service fee, you will be asked to indicate your credit card for the 1€ Consulib service fee.
Elements on your profile
You can select your specialty in the drop-down menu, it is mandatory to select at least one. Make sure you select it right because you will appear in the search of the corresponding specialty.
Secondary specialty
If you have a second specialty, you can select one on your profil and you will also appear if a patient looks for this specialty. As before, select the specialty in the drop-down menu.
We invite you to write a presentation to inform patients of your practices or to give information about you practices in teleconsultation.
This section specify your field of expertise. You can fill it freely.
You can fill in your diplomas if you want to make them appear on your profile.
In order to ease the use of your agenda, you can add another user to your account. Depending on the rights and access you grant, the user will be able to access your agenda, inspect or modify your upcoming appointments.
To add one, click on the "+".
A window appears, just add the last name, first name, email and phone number of the new user. Once it is done, click on "Confirm".
The new user will receive an email in order to create his own password to access Consulib.
If you work for a structure or an health establishment, you can register the administrator of the structure. By that, the administrator while manage the financial aspect of your activity on Consulib, he will set the IBAN receiving the payments and he will pay the Consulib fee for your uncharged consultations. To add your structure, click on the "+".
Then enter the structure mail adress.
After any modification, please click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the web page of your profile.