1. To start the consultation, go to your agenda at date and time of the appointment.
- click on "Next appointment".
- click on your name and on the appointment in the section "My consultations".
2. Then access your appointment sheet.
3. Start the teleconsultation by clicking on "Enter in medical room"
4. Once you are on the consultation interface, you are inform whether or not the practitioner is connected yet. If a red dot appears, it means your practitioner is not connected.
If a green dot appears, it means your practitioner is connected and ready to start the consultation.
Click on "Start consultation", at the center of the screen.
5. Mostly at your first consultation on Consulib.com, the browser will demand access to your microphone and webcam. You must click on "Allow".
6. A "Preview" starts and you will see yourself on the screen several seconds. Then the practitioner will appear and you will hear his voice. The consultation can start.